Fall Wedding in the White Mountains

Fall Wedding in the White Mountains

We lucked out with one truly gorgeous day in October for this love-filled Fall wedding in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Danielle and Jim became husband and wife at an outside ceremony in North Conway at the White Mountain Hotel and Resort and continued their...

Meet July Couple: Cecilia and Michael

We were super excited to see Cecilia and Michael chosen to do a video testimonial for Beswoon. Matt from LMV Productions was super kind to make this video for us. Take a look at what they had to say about Wavelength: What a treat to meet Cecilia and Michael in person...

MA Farm Wedding With Josh And Heather

Josh and Heather had the most amazing farm wedding in Hubbardston, MA. Their family farm, High Meadow Farm, was such a great venue to host their laid back style celebration. There were no formalities, just an evening of dinner and dancing with friends and family after...